Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Georgia Fatigued Trucking: Police say Trucker was Tired, Watching Porn When Crash Happened

11 foot bridge. 14 foot truck. Poor math skills.Image by Chris Devers via Flickr

It can't get much worse in terms of distractions than this story:

The operator of a tractor-trailer had been on the road too long and was watching a pornographic movie on a laptop at the time he smashed into a disabled car on the Thruway last month, killing the driver, State Police said today.

Thomas M. Wallace, 45, of Brook Park, Ohio, was charged Tuesday with second-degree manslaughter following a lengthy probe into the Dec. 12 crash in Pembroke that killed Julie I. Stratton, 33, a Snyder mother of two young boys.

Read the rest here.

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